HAZARDOUS IMAGININGS Kickstarter Promo Movie

For those of you whose lives would not be complete without seeing me in full bondage regalia, wrapped up in yellow CAUTION tape like a mummy, here’s a promo movie I made for the HAZARDOUS IMAGININGS: The Mondo Book of Politically Incorrect Science Fiction Kickstarter Project. Also available on YouTube!

On a slightly more serious note, I talk about the state science fiction has found itself in, how the Overton Window of acceptable topics to speculate about and extrapolate has shrunken in recent years, and how I hope this project can help, in a small way, to unshackle science fiction writers from the strictures of both commercial taboos and defensive self-censorship.


  1. Mark McCandless says:

    Andy Fox as a crime scene— I’ll accept that! An entertaining video—good luck on the Kickstarter.

    • Andrew says:

      Thanks much, Mark! Please give your family my love. I hope to get my whole bunch back down to New Orleans sometime following youngest son’s bar mitzvah. We’ll definitely hook up then.