I, For One, Welcome Our Fat, Post-Menopausal, Cognitive-Superwomen Overlords

Pin-up artist Les Toil is obviously ahead of the curve...

I’m sure our friend Jules would agree…

Study finds that obese post-menopausal women outperform their non-obese counterparts on a range of cognitive tasks. I.e.: the fat gals just have more going on upstairs than the skinny gals who look down upon them.

The researchers speculate that their findings may be due to greater quantities of estrogen which are released from obese women’s fat cells following menopause, as compared to estrogen levels found in non-obese post-menopausal women.

My two cents’ worth? I just think that fat women, post-menopausal or not, have to deal with a lot more crap in their daily lives than their non-fat counterparts do. Dealing with social disapproval or disdain; seeking emotional equanimity and self-acceptance in a society that encourages the self-flagellation of those who don’t meet its physical ideals; finding decent looking clothes in stores; etc. etc. Having to deal with all of that, on top of life’s typical challenges, may mean having to exercise the old noggin a bit more than average.

Hey, many of my most devoted readers are older women of size. I’d consider that proof-positive of the researchers’ findings right there…

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